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What is Attaxa

Shield your Adobe Experience Manager from evolving threats. Attaxa, the premier Attack Surface Management (ASM) platform built for AEM, empowers you to proactively discover, prioritize, and eliminate vulnerabilities before attackers exploit them.

Welcome to a new era of AEM security:

  • Uncover the unseen: Go beyond traditional security tools and deeply scan your AEM environment, including custom code, extensions, and configurations. Attaxa pinpoints hidden vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and outdated components, providing a complete picture of your attack surface.
  • Prioritize with precision: Automate risk assessment with expert-built scoring algorithms that distinguish critical vulnerabilities from mere noise. Focus your resources on the most immediate threats and minimize remediation fatigue.
  • Remediate with confidence: Gain access to actionable recommendations and step-by-step guidance for fixing vulnerabilities. Attaxa integrates seamlessly with your existing security workflows, making remediation smooth and efficient.
  • Continuous vigilance: Attaxa doesn’t stop at initial scanning. It monitors your AEM environment continuously, providing real-time alerts about new vulnerabilities and ensuring your defenses stay ahead of evolving threats.

With Attaxa, you can:

  • Reduce the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks.
  • Improve compliance with industry regulations.
  • Optimize your security posture and resource allocation.
  • Gain peace of mind knowing your AEM is secure.

Why choose Attaxa

Forget stale security tools and join the revolution. Attaxa is more than just another ASM platform, it’s the culmination of years of battle-tested experience hunting vulnerabilities in high-profile AEM environments. We’ve gone toe-to-toe with digital dragons at industry giants like BMW, NAB, and Dell, exposing critical weaknesses and proving our mettle on the AEM battlefield.

But here’s the catch: those other guys play with firecrackers, we wield laser-guided missiles:

  • Deep Dive, Not Surface Skimming: Our scans aren’t content with the obvious. We penetrate deep within your AEM, unearthing hidden vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and outdated components that others miss. No nook or cranny escapes our scrutiny.
  • Vulnerability Whisperer: Forget endless red flags. Our expert-crafted algorithms sniff out the truly critical vulnerabilities from the background noise, prioritizing your resources and saving you countless headaches.
  • Beyond Patchwork: We don’t just point fingers; we provide actionable roadmaps for remediation. Step-by-step guidance, integration with your workflows, and continuous monitoring ensure every vulnerability gets the boot, permanently.
  • Unique AEM Expertise: You won’t find our level of specialized AEM know-how anywhere else. We’ve seen it all, tackled it all, and built Attaxa from the ground up with AEM’s intricacies in mind. Expect a bespoke security experience, tailored to your specific AEM needs.

Choosing Attaxa is choosing confidence. It’s choosing a proven track record against real-world threats. It’s choosing a partner who speaks AEM fluently and fights for your digital fortress with unrivaled expertise.

Don’t settle for average security. Embrace the unique and experience the power of Attaxa.

OWASP top 10 Web Security

Beyond the Horizon: Tackling OWASP Top 10 with Attaxa’s Eagle Eye

OWASP Top 10 logo

Attaxa doesn’t just secure your AEM fortress, it extends its vigilance to the industry’s most notorious threats: the OWASP Top 10. We’ve strategically integrated security testing for these critical vulnerabilities into our ASM platform, ensuring comprehensive protection from every angle.

Here’s how we tackle the Top 10:

  • Injection Attacks: We meticulously scan for injection vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS), safeguarding your data and preventing unauthorized code execution.
  • Broken Authentication: Our eagle eyes scrutinize authentication mechanisms, identifying weak passwords, session management flaws, and other loopholes that could grant intruders a VIP pass.
  • Sensitive Data Exposure: No secrets are safe from us. We relentlessly hunt for vulnerabilities that could expose sensitive information, protecting your confidentiality and integrity.
  • XML External Entities (XXE): We shield your AEM against XML attacks, preventing attackers from accessing sensitive data or executing malicious code through XML parsing.
  • Broken Access Control: We ensure that access permissions are strictly enforced, preventing unauthorized users from accessing sensitive resources and operations.

And we don’t stop there. We continuously monitor for new vulnerabilities and emerging threats, ensuring your AEM stays ahead of the curve. With Attaxa, you’re not just securing your AEM, you’re aligning with industry-leading security standards and best practices.

Ready for a comprehensive defense against the OWASP Top 10? Let Attaxa be your vigilant guardian.