Scan modes

There are 4 scan modes right now:

  • Single URL
  • Root Domain
  • Directory Bruteforce
  • Template Scan
We are currently planning to add more scan modes down the track

Tools used

Here’s a detailed explanation of each component’s role in an AEM attack surface management platform:

1. Web Crawler or Spider:

  • Function: Systematically explores and maps all online assets connected to your AEM environment.
  • Process:
    • Starts with known entry points (main AEM site URL).
    • Follows links to discover deeper sections, including internal, external, and API-related links.
    • Employs techniques like parameter fuzzing and sitemap analysis to uncover hidden pages.
    • Builds a map of the entire AEM attack surface with details like page content, server responses, and potential vulnerabilities.

2. AEM Detector:

  • Function: Identifies whether discovered assets are running AEM and their specific versions.
  • Process:
    • Analyzes HTML content, server headers, and JavaScript files for AEM-specific patterns.
    • Sends crafted requests to trigger characteristic AEM responses.
    • Uses known version-specific fingerprints to determine the exact AEM version in use.

3. HTTP Prober:

  • Function: Tests discovered assets for vulnerabilities or misconfigurations by sending various HTTP requests.
  • Process:
    • Sends probes with different headers, methods (GET, POST, PUT, etc.), and parameters.
    • Analyzes responses for error messages, server information leaks, or unexpected behaviors that could indicate vulnerabilities.

4. Subdomain Enumeration:

  • Function: Discovers all subdomains associated with your primary domain that might be running AEM.
  • Process:
    • Leverages DNS queries, certificate transparency logs, and search engine results to identify subdomains.
    • Cross-references results with known AEM patterns and runs the AEM detector on identified subdomains.

5. Directory Bruteforcing:

  • Function: Attempts to access hidden or sensitive AEM directories not readily apparent through crawling.
  • Process:
    • Uses wordlists of common AEM directory names and file paths.
    • Sends requests to each potential path and analyzes responses for success or failure.
    • Identifies unauthorized content or configuration files that could be exploited.

6. AEM Vulnerability Scanning:

  • Function: Scans identified AEM instances for known vulnerabilities based on CVE databases, exploit research, and vendor advisories.
  • Process:
    • Matches detected AEM versions with known vulnerabilities.
    • Attempts to exploit vulnerabilities to confirm their presence and exploitability.
    • Prioritizes vulnerabilities based on severity and potential impact.

7. Template-Based Scanner to Find 0days at Scale:

  • Function: Detects potential zero-day vulnerabilities (unpatched, unknown) using pre-defined attack patterns.
  • Process:
    • Employs templates for common AEM vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting.
    • Automatically sends crafted probes to test for vulnerabilities based on these templates.
    • Flags potential 0days for further investigation and prioritization.

Together, these components provide a comprehensive understanding of your AEM attack surface, enabling proactive vulnerability management and risk mitigation.

Scan Inputs

The scan mode may contain one or more of the following inputs:


The target URL to scan (e.g.


The root domain to scan (e.g.


The custom wordlist to be used during directory bruteforcing, if you need a few to get start with, try the following:

User Agent:

The custom user-agent to be used during scanning, for an example:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36


The template to be used during scanning which can help researchers run 0days or ndays at scale using our distributed scanner:

  "requests": {
    "path": "/content/..;/crx/de/index.jsp",
    "method": "GET"
  "responses": {
    "matchers-condition": "and",
    "matchers": [
        "type": "word",
        "words": ["CRXDE Lite"]
        "type": "status",
        "status": [200]